How Your Cosmetic Dentist In Liverpool Can Fix Your Smile With 4 Procedures?

There is a cosmetic dental procedure available for every tooth or smile problem out there. The most important thing to consider before deciding on what method to use is the intensity and urgency of the problem. Find out how your cosmetic dentist in Liverpool can help you fix your smile when you have:

  • minor flaws,
  • colour and shape imperfections,
  • crooked teeth and jawline, and
  • missing teeth.

Dental Bonding – For Those With Minor Flaws

Dental bonding is the first step when you only have some minor flaws. This procedure works best to cover a gap between two front teeth and repair a chipped tooth. It is a short procedure performed at the dentist during a single visit. The process is minimally invasive as the dentist only has to remove a little bit of the natural tooth, if necessary. The dentist will cure the bonding at the end of the process and smooth the edges. 

Veneers – The Perfect Way To Cover Up Stained And Oddly Shaped Teeth

This procedure covers almost all imperfections as the veneer completely covers your teeth. Porcelain as a material has many shades of white, making them perfect for mimicking teeth. They are also available in bright white if you want to make an impression. The procedure for veneers usually takes two appointments spaced a couple of weeks apart. Veneers can last for many years if properly taken care of because porcelain is stain and crack proof. 

Orthodontics – The Best Way To Fix Crooked Teeth 

People usually stay away from orthodontics because they are scared of getting braces. The good news is that orthodontic procedures have evolved beyond braces. Clients can now inquire about clear aligners that are practically invisible and removable. You must wear your aligners for 22 hours of the day and only remove them to eat, brush your teeth, and floss. Most people report that they see their desired results within 12 to 18 months. However, it depends on the condition of the teeth beforehand. 

Dental Implants – For Replacing Missing Teeth

It is easier than you think to lose a tooth. People of all ages lose teeth, whether it be due to sport, accidents, teeth grinding. or even infection. Partial dentures are still available as a solution, but dental implants are the way to go if you are looking for a more permanent solution. Dental implants are a restorative solution, and they function like a natural tooth, which allows you to continue with life as if you never lost a tooth in the first place.

If you are ready to start your journey towards having your dream smile, book an appointment with Liverpool Dental Centre – your trusted cosmetic dentist in Liverpool. 

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